Education – Experience – Exchange

Marija Griniuk

This book, Education Experience Exchange, explores curatorial and educational practices in Indigenous Sámi art, focusing on live and performance art in politically charged contexts. Authored by Marija Griniuk, with contributions from Sámi scholars and curators, including Gunvor Guttorm, Laila Susanna Kuhmunen, Berit Kristine Andersen Guvsám, Sandra Márjá West and Ánndaris Rimpi, it introduces a methodology for curating and teaching in Sámi art contexts.

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kr 350.00
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The work is structured around seven peer-reviewed publications presented in pre-print versions, grouped into three thematic cycles: (1) exploring the researcher’s identity as a Lithuanian performance artist curating Sámi art, (2) developing a pilot educational program for Sámi curators (2022–2024), and (3) creating interactive educational materials for young visitors to Sámi art institutions. These themes interweave curatorial theory, performance pedagogy, and arts-based action research. The book emphasizes cross-cultural exchange, autoethnographic storytelling, and decolonizing curatorial practices by incorporating Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives.

The findings highlight the significance of personal identity in curatorial work, transgenerational storytelling through art, and the role of performance in education. This innovative research offers valuable insights for curators and educators designing programs with an Indigenous perspective, fostering inclusivity and cross-cultural dialogue in art and education

Published: 2025–01

Author: Marija Griniuk

Target Group: Adults

Language: English

No. of Pages: 304

ISBN: 9788232906598

Publisher: Davvi Girji

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